Sunday, November 11, 2012

October 22, 2012

We had the opportunity to teach D - it was really awesome teaching the plan of salvation to her - her husband passed away last year. It was awesome to let her know that she can be with her family forever :)

We´re also working with another wonderful family - O and L. They are the nicest ever, LOVE the missionaries,. We showed them the movie about John Rowe Moyle and talked about enduring to the end. They really seemed to catch on to the importance of going to church and said that they´d be there on Sunday :)

haha. Halloween isn´t really a holiday celebrated here. Although everyone who knows anything about it is really jealous and wish that they did! It´s hilarious. Although they do celebrate Children´s day and get presents for it, which I´m kind of jealous of :)

Vitamina de abacate (Avocado smoothie)
In Brazil, avocados are used to make desserts, ice-creams and smoothies.
1 abacate pequeno1 small avocado
½ litro de leite½ liter of milk
açúcar a gostosugar to taste
Modo de fazer:Preparation:
1. Lave o abacate. 1. Wash the avocado.
2. Corte o abacate no meio e tire o caroço. 2. Cut the avocado into two halves and remove the stone.
3. Tire a polpa com uma colher. 3. Scoop out the flesh.
4. Bata a polpa, o açúcar e o leite no liquidificador. 4. Blend the flesh, the sugar and the milk in the blender.
5. Coloque a vitamina num copo e sirva.5. Put the smoothie in a glass and serve it.
  • This recipe makes two glasses of avocado smoothies.
  • Brazilians eat avocado with sugar, not with salt and pepper.
  • Brazilian avocados are very big.

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