Wednesday, February 8, 2012

a time to prepare.


There's a couple good things that have come out of the process of waiting to leave on my mission.  As you may know, I was originally called (I received this in October) as a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to leave on March 28th to Rio de Janeiro Brasil.  As it turns out, however, I will be a part of a pilot program where we are in the CTM (Brasilian MTC) for three weeks less time and thus learn the language faster? I'm not quite sure exactly what will happen once I get there.  Right now, though, I am currently in the process of waiting.  Waiting for a train to go/ or a bus to come, or a plane to go/ or the mail to come, or the rain to go/ or the phone to ring, or the snow to snow/ or the waiting around for a Yes or No or waiting for their hair to grow - at least that is how Dr. Seuss would put it.  But there are a few good things that I have noticed that have come out of this, because really I am not waiting, I am just preparing.  Preparing for "a plane to go".

1.  I can go to Bott's Mission Prep class!  I love this class so much.  He addresses a lot of the problems that missionaries face once they get into the field and gives suggestions on how to correct said problems.  It is fantastic.
2.  I have the opportunity to study the Scriptures as well as Preach My Gospel.  I ended up with a lot of free time coming to school for this block and what better way could you think of to fill it??  Although, I could always be better.
3.  I can take Portuguese!  I already love the language even though the only conversation I know is "Tudo bem?" "Tudo bem."
4.  I get to go to my sister's wedding!  She will be married on March 2nd and I am SO excited for her!  And the best part is that I can actually go in!!
5.  Sarah's homecoming talk and my farewell talk will be on the SAME day!  How often does that happen?!  I found out that she would be coming home on April 12th the day after I found out I would be leaving on April 18th.  It wasn't chance.  It wasn't a coincidence.  They were a day apart! The timing was perfect.  Everything was perfect!  This has seriously been the biggest tender mercy that Heavenly Father could ever give to me! I love Him.

So despite my impatience, I really am grateful for the time that I have been given to prepare and to spend more time with my family.  I just need to make sure to spend it wisely!